21st Century Learners + Web 2.0

A national survey of 281, 150 students by Project Tomorrow (www.tomorrow.org) gives us an idea of the ways high school students are utilizing Web 2.0 tools.

For students grades 9 – 12, the tools they use for creation of materials include:

  • Update social networking profile – 44 %
  • Upload / download digital media – 39 %
  • Create / modify digital media – 32 %
  • Use tools to set up alerts about topics – 22 %
  • Create new work using pre-existing media – 22 %
  • Create a list of resources to share – 15 %

For students grades 9 – 12, the tools they use for collaboration include:

  • Participate in online games – 30 %
  • Use web tools for collaborative writing – 19 %
  • Contribute to a blog – 18 %
  • Participate in virtual reality environments – 13 %
  • Contribute to a WIKI – 11 %

This data is from the Speak Up 2008 national survey. In total, over 335,000 K-12 students, teachers, parents and administrators responded to this survey.

So much to learn!

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